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Selasa, 11 Agustus 2009

Computer Protection No AntiVirus

One thing that particularly annoy me for, if a virus is being kompy .. from the "only" with the word file to the system from within ngunci .. "re-install", just a lot of time.
If there is in football tactics "best defense is attack" is indeed true .. but the fact is if we do have attacker who can nyerang? nah lo .. (nglanturnya far ..^^)
aja we strengthen our defense by placing 5 - 6 at a time defender. we are only waiting to attack back ..
from there we can also apply in the kompy. start up of antivirus (av)-an update to the latest protection-protection of others.
av indeed can not be separated from the kompy, but .. what we steadily depending on the av, (toh fact that I aja pake av an up-date the latest virus can be.)
av we made it as a "moment behind the attacks" in the virus ^ ^.
our preparation for the defense of others, such as:

1. Protect floppy disks or USB flash disk we
If forced to enter into kompy who fell ill virus, we can be setting up
floppy disk or flash us to "read only" (not all flash disks provide this service).
2. Be careful of the file attachment
Well, for a fond send email carefully with this one, lots of younger victims of it. scanlah first file in the open before. but it also can not guarantee 100% secure from viruses, sapa tau tu exterior of the virus from its av ..
3. Do not indiscriminate clicking the file suspicious
there is a folder with the image file typenya but not the folder but can be foto.exe wah emang virus de tu ^ ^, its core so be careful on the files that look strange to you.
4. Non-me activate windows scripting host
Most of the viruses circulating at this time using visual basic (vb), if we disable activate windows scripting host, at least we do .. uda out a virus that attacks vb.
5. Pake deepFrezee
Ni how that may be regarded quite powerful as well. DeepFrezee, the withdrawal of a food uda we open, we close it again wrapped up the meeting. so that bacteria, will not fly to descend upon it. (^ ^). in essence we kompy system c: frezee us or we freeze.

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