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Rabu, 05 Agustus 2009

The influence of virus, SPAM and spyware on the computer network's performance

How much bandwidth can spend virus. I take a sample case at my work who has a network MAN (several campuses which are spread in several places in the city and outside the city), the network band width of internet / intranet for more than 11Mbps, and more than 1000 PC (rough estimate) is connected, and about more than 100 notebook connected via an active hotspot service. The amount of network-owned, network monitoring process will be more difficult. One of the most important problem is a virus, spam, spyware etc. which disrupt the normal performance of the network. In fact if we can research and calculate the data from computer users, how many computers are affected by the virus? whether they can make the network more slowly, or not? of course with a large number of responder, akan influence is certainly visible.

Ideas about the influence of virus research in this network has been thought by me, when Unpad still have around 2mbps bandwidth. With the bandwidth of that have to be divided kebeberapa campus spread. Human resources (HR) that utilizes both computer network intranets and the Internet continues to increase, but unfortunately this does not offset the increase by knowledge of the computer users to be more careful of the virus and attack it with the other.

Accidental my duty as IT staff in the center of a very often around and dealing with computer users across the campus UNPAD. Rough estimate of the results of monitoring my computer simpulkan 1 of 3 computers in the Unpad inhabited by viruses or jenis2 intruder lainyya that actually does not have desired disistem their computer. With the development of the mobile storage device is the cheap, the spread of the "offline" via media usb flash disk very quickly transmit the virus to various other computers. In addition, the user does not realize that the virus is live or stored on their computer system and the number of computers infected with the virus will continue to increase.

Please note that at this time the virus has the ability to develop a quite diverse, most of the virus circulating at this time is tojan, the virus that will work after the switch by the user is aware or not aware (software2 placed on a particular interest of the user). In terms of risk of danger is the virus is still relatively simply from the introduction malalui popup and written messages, to access keinternet so add the burden of access, bahken damage or system resource that is in the user's computer. And the virus would take some computer memory resource to be able to continue to work and survive. One of the characteristics bevirus a computer is slow computer performance.

The size of the effect, will be very important if a company utilizing the network and the Internet, especially intranets can control the spread of this virus.

This article can be used as research material that is quite useful. With some mathematical calculations and statistics, will be seen from the patern size of the virus to influence the performance of computer and office performance to culminate in its entirety.

Location preparation of research

That must be prepared is a place / location of research, the research has considered the location of the number of machines more than 100 computer with a minimum bandwidth of 100 * 10kbps or around 1mbps. Location is the most appropriate government agencies or institutions that do not have enough IT staff to memantaince network.

Data needed:
Survey conducted with the record a few things including:

1. Specification computers: processor, kapasistas hard drive, memory
2. The performance of the computer: it can be seen in the task manager (windows based)
3. Number of computers infected with the virus
4. Speed network (you can use the ping command or special software)
5. And some other parameters.

From parameter2 can be calculated:

1. Number of computer hardware based on specification
2. Number of computers infected and not infected with virus
3. Number of computers based on the speed of access
4. Based on the number of computer system performance

The calculation above can be combined with each other so that they can remove the data for the analysis process.

Results of the latest find is concluded:

1. How many viruses affect the speed of internet and intranet access
2. How much affect the performance of a computer virus.

Even better if the data is combined with human resources data, so the results are dapta assist decision-making institutions to membarikan a concern in order:

1. Kulaitas increase human resources in the process to work using the computer
2. Designed a standard so that the SOP process utilizing the computer work better and more secure.
3. Increase computer security and computer network for the effectiveness and efficiency of utilization of facilities, especially computer equipment.

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