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Kamis, 06 Agustus 2009

Glossary Internet Indonesia

Translation terms and computers often leaving trouble for themselves because of language experts in computer science and the Internet is a new technology that continue to grow and create new terms that have never previously known in the science of linguistics. It is therefore not a direct translation rarely feels awkward term for the spoken and written. For example the term cookie feels awkward when translated into 'bread' in the Indonesian language. Translator-interpreter may have to try sesetia with the original meaning does not create a term that will not be used by users with a term in another language.

Many of the terms Internet and the computer that has a long history of making meaning of the word indeed vague, for example is the names of famous brands that often take the vocabulary of the language in which the company is located. Thus, the terms that have been mixed with the culture and history of a nation will be more difficult to be translated into a culture that is different and does not have a history of the Internet and the computer the same length. For example in this case is the term desktop there is no relation to the 'table' or 'surface' in the Indonesian language.

Istilah internet

* attachment = lampiran
* bandwidth = lebar pita
* broadband = pita lebar, jalur lebar
* browser = peramban, penjelajah
* bulletin board = papan buletin
* chat = obrol, obrolan, rumpi
* crash = bertabrakan (biasa untuk perangkat lunak/keras bermasalah)
* collission = tabrakan data
* connection = sambungan
* copy = salin, kopi, ganda
* cut = potong
* cyberspace = dunia maya
* database = pangkalan data, basis data
* delete/del = hapus
* domain = ranah
* download = ambil data, unduh, muat turun
* edit = sunting, ubah
* e-mail = imel, ratel / surel / surat-e (surat elektronik), posel (pos elektronik), surat digital
* forward/fwd (e-mail) = terusan
* homepage = laman
* hosting = hosting
* interferensi = gangguan signal (berkaitan dengan signal wireless)
* install = pasang
* interface = antarmuka
* keyword = kata kunci
* lag = lambat
* link = taut, kait, pautan, pranala
* load = muat
* login / log in / log on / logon = log masuk, masuk log, lihat sign in
* logout / log out / log off / logoff = log keluar, keluar log, lihat sign out
* network = jaringan
* newsgroup = kelompok warta, kelompok diskusi
* mailing list = milis, senarai, forum ratel
* network = jaringan
* networking = jejaring
* off line = tidak terhubung, terputus, luring (luar jaringan)
* online / on line = terhubung, tersambung, daring (dalam jaringan)
* passphrase = frase sandi, kalimat sandi
* password = kata sandi
* paste = tempel
* preview = pratonton, pratilik, pratayang
* internet service provider = penyelenggara jasa internet
* save = simpan
* scan = pindai
* server = peladen
* sign in / signin / sign on = catat masuk, lihat login
* sign out / sign off = catat keluar, lihat logout
* surfing = berselancar, selancar maya
* update = pemutakhiran, pembaruan
* upload = unggah, muat naik
* username = nama pengguna
* virtual reality = realitas maya
* webpage = halaman web
* website = situs web
* wireless = nirkabel

The other term

* JAPRI (private line) this term usually appears in public forums such as mailing lists or web forums, word JAPRI used by someone who seeks dilaksakanan communications through the private, the media usually refer to the email.
* Jalum or needle (general line)
* Jambat (slow path)
* Toilet (slow path)
* Jambat can be understood as a "pull".

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